On January 19th, 2022, our first venture competition “VENTURinno’ 22” was held at i-square in the University of Hyogo.
This year, 7 teams were registered for the competition and 6 judges were invited.
VENTURinno began with a greeting from the organizer, Professor Saddam.
We received words of cheering up from the president of the University of Hyogo.
Every team worked hard for the presentation.
Judges and the audience listened to the presentation earnestly.
After all presentations, each team had conversations with judges and got feedback on their ideas and presentation.
An awards ceremony followed, with the first through third-place teams receiving awards.
Although we did not receive funding this time, the judges were open to funding our next competition!
We are so proud of having all team in VENTURinno’22!!
See you Next🙌